Didi Gradinarska

Didi graduated from Aberystwyth in 2016 with a BSC 1st class Honours in Web Development (FKA Internet Computing and Systems Administration). She now works for GE HealthCare.

What do you remember most about your time at Aber?

Aberystwyth is an experience that I always look back to very fondly and it made me into the person that I am today. I took a massive risk to move from my birth country, to throw myself into the unknown to achieve the goal of an education that will challenge me and allow me to learn more than I ever expected. I am still grateful to this day to all the people in Aberystwyth who helped me overcome my culture shock, learn the language to a native level, sharing their meals when money was too tight, even to the lovely cashier in Lidl who stopped to explain to me what each coin in my hand was worth on my first day. It was incredible to meet people from all over the world and be open to so many cultures and find long lasting friendships. This place honestly made me feel like I belong, and I can do what I set my mind to.

What are you doing now career-wise and how has your Aberystwyth degree helped?

I am currently a Risk Advisor in GE HealthCare where I started my career a few days after graduating from Aberystwyth University. My degree prepared me for the real world and gave me all the skills I needed to be a well-rounded IT professional. I spend my time in the company growing, traveling the world, and taking on challenging projects all over IT. The most life changing aspect of my degree was the integrated year in industry. I recommend taking this extra year, not only to gain the experience, but also for those lucky enough, you can come out of your internship with a secured job, which meant that I was able to concentrate on my studies in my last year and walk into my job the same week as my graduation. A massive thank you to all the lecturers and staff that made this feel like a home away from home, they were there to guide me and grow my skills, so all of this became achievable.

What advice would you have for a student doing your course now?

Follow your passion and do not allow the fear of the unknown cloud your judgement. It is achievable, if you set your mind to it and try. You are surrounded by incredible people who will teach you all you need to know to succeed so allow them and be open to it.